Who uses governance data, in what ways and to what end?

Marc-André Boisvert Catherine Easton We just released the provisional data for our 2019 Africa Integrity Indicators. With seven years of project data, covering 13 governance themes across all 54 African countries, Global Integrity has produced a wealth of information. Our robust methodology, built on data collection methods and quality control processes that can be applied…

Another successful year for Africa Integrity Indicators!

Marc-André Boisvert Catherine Easton Global Integrity is pleased to announce the release of provisional data for the seventh round of its Africa Integrity Indicators (AII), available here. This provisional data is available for public comment until May 31, 2019. We invite interested stakeholders to examine the data and share any feedback that can help increase…

Sept années de réussite pour les indicateurs d’intégrité en Afrique!

Marc-André Boisvert Catherine Easton Global Integrity a le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication des données provisoires de la septième édition des Indicateurs d’intégrité en Afrique, disponibles ici. Jusqu’au 31 mai 2019, nous invitons experts et citoyens à examiner les données et à faire part de leurs commentaires afin de contribuer à en améliorer la…

Africa Integrity Indicators: 2017 Data Now Available & Launch of Round 7

August 21, 2018 Elsa Peraldi – Manager, Research The Africa Integrity Indicators team is pleased to announce that the final data for the research period 2016/2017 is now available. The data for the 6th round can be found here and we encourage you to read through a selection of findings here. The data offer valuable insights and…

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Call for Contributors/Appel à Contributeurs

July 10, 2018 Version française ci-dessous Call for Contributors in Africa Global Integrity is starting its seventh round of research of the Africa Integrity Indicators (AII), an annual project undertaken in partnership with the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. The project assesses key social, economic, political and anti-corruption mechanisms at the national level in all African countries.…