kleptocracy cartoon

Beating kleptocrats at their own game: Learning how to tackle kleptocracy more effectively

Kleptocracy – a global phenomenon, with local consequences One of the many benefits of globalization is, depending on people’s access to technology, the possibility to connect with everyone everywhere almost instantaneously. However, the logic of instantaneous connectivity has allowed corrupt governing elites to commit and get away with crimes of baffling magnitude. Kleptocracy, a government…

Learning how to go local: Lessons from six learning journeys, for the Open Government Partnership

December 11, 2017 Michael Moses, Director of Programs and Learning – Global Integrity and Sue Soal, independent consultant What does it mean, in practice, for reformers working in provinces, municipalities, and states to take a politically engaged, learning centered, adaptive approach to supporting governance reform in their contexts, including through the Open Government Partnership (OGP)?…

L-MAVC Policy Brief – Lessons for OGP, donors, and practitioners

December 6, 2017 Michael Moses, Director of Programs and Learning – Global Integrity and Sue Soal, independent consultant An increasingly compelling body of evidence suggests that governance reform efforts are most likely to be successful when: Local stakeholders are at the forefront of defining governance challenges, developing and implementing solutions, and pursuing sustainable change; and Those…

Learning to Make All Voices Count – Six Learning Journeys from Five Countries

Michael Moses – Director of Advocacy and Programs, Global Integrity and Sue Soal November 30, 2017 Learning to Make All Voices Count (L-MAVC), a program funded by Making All Voices Count, and implemented in collaboration with Global Integrity, supported six MAVC grantees working in five countries (Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya, Philippines and Indonesia). We worked with…