COVID-19 Transparency and accountability in Africa: our work and reflections to date

African governments response to COVID-19 has been overshadowed by instances of waste, mismanagement, and blatant corruption. Issues like unlawful procurement, political use of monetary and other reliefs, and the diversion of funds have led many communities to deal with the hardship of the pandemic in economic and social isolation. This has further hindered citizens’ trust…

Taking stock of the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in Africa

The third Account4COVID webinar and final for 2020 sought to shed light on the socio-economic urgency imposed by COVID-19 surrounding vulnerable groups. Participants explored the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on African economies and vulnerable groups and how civic actors are informing governments’ response and recovery efforts to ensure effective dissemination of relief to beneficiaries…

Open data standards design behind closed doors?

In June 2020, we had the opportunity to join a discussion on open contracting and inclusion organised by HIVOS. Participants shared their thoughts on a newly published paper by Michael Canares and Francois van Schalkwyk that is part of a set of research papers supported by Hivos at the intersection of public procurement, inclusion and participation. ILDA have just published one article about inclusion in…

Combatiendo la corrupción en comunidad: Aprendizajes desde la aplicación de normas globales en dinámicas gubernamentales

Originalmente publicado en Open Data Charter La pandemia de COVID-19 ha impactado sobre todo tipo de proyecto de desarrollo, cambiando prioridades, convirtiendo lo online en la nueva normalidad y obligándonos a todos a adaptarnos en nuestro trabajo y nuestras vidas. Los procesos y la comunidad de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP) no han…

Combating Corruption as a community: Lessons from applying global data norms to government dynamics

Originally published by Open Data Charter The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken things up for any type of development project, shifting priorities, making online the new normal, and forcing us all to be adaptive in our work and lives. The Open Government Partnership (OGP) processes and community have not been an exception. COVID-19 has meant that…