Nigerian currency

Hiding the beneficial owner and the proceeds of corruption

This is one in a series of blogs authored by researchers supported by the Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence (GI-ACE) programme. The overarching objective of the GI-ACE programme is to support world-class multidisciplinary research to inform the development of more effective policies and interventions that will help reduce corruption in developing countries and address its negative…

Watch the Spring 2019 Ignite Talks

originally published on Open Gov Hub  Ignite Talks are fast-paced lightning talks that last exactly 5 minutes, with 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. They are a fantastic way to learn about new projects and ideas, successes and failures and everything in between. The basic philosophy behind this model is, enlighten us, but make…

networked globe with finger focusing particular area

In focus: Open data, politics, and results

“To what extent and for what reasons is the use of open government data associated with higher levels of accountability and improved service delivery in developing countries?” —Michael Jelenic, 2019, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper While open data is an important element of our work at Global Integrity, we do not consider ourselves “open…

kleptocracy cartoon

Beating kleptocrats at their own game: Learning how to tackle kleptocracy more effectively

Kleptocracy – a global phenomenon, with local consequences One of the many benefits of globalization is, depending on people’s access to technology, the possibility to connect with everyone everywhere almost instantaneously. However, the logic of instantaneous connectivity has allowed corrupt governing elites to commit and get away with crimes of baffling magnitude. Kleptocracy, a government…

woman in African market

Realising the dream of Pan-African trade: Giving women voice in improving borders

This is one in a series of blogs authored by researchers supported by the Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence (GI-ACE) programme. The overarching objective of the GI-ACE programme is to support world-class multidisciplinary research to inform the development of more effective policies and interventions that will help reduce corruption in developing countries and address its negative…

Jorge at

Advancing open fiscal governance at the local level

Open government champions in Mexico face significant challenges at the federal and state levels. The federal open government partnership process stalled after the espionage carried out by the previous administration and only recently got back on track. At the same time, open government processes in many states have stalled (see short summary of recent subnational…