Opacity Index 2007-2008

Joel Kurtzman & Glenn Yago refresh Mr. Kurtzman’s ranking of regulatory efficiency, first published in 2001 by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Kurtzman is now working from the Milken Institute, an economic think tank. Opacity Index 2007-2008: Measuring Global Business Risk Via email: Dear Friends, Two weeks ago, Glenn Yago and I released the 2007-2008 Opacity Index at the…

Nigeria: Asset Disclosures? No Worries.

The Vanguard newspaper in Lagos highlights a discouraging trend of Nigerian lawmakers declaring greater personal assets than they currently posses in order to build in a cushion that accounts for corrupt gains while in office. When those asset disclosures are finally reviewed years later, the inflated numbers sadly match reality. The article mentions how the…

Tanzania: The Influence Grid

Global Integrity’s Sebastian Sanga writes from Tanzania with a review of last year’s electrical power crisis, and the political powers that let it happen. The report, in the words of a peer reviewer, “gives a vivid picture of the gravity of the corruption cankerworm in Tanzania.” Tanzania: The Influence Grid By Sebastian SangaImage: Dar Es…