Combatiendo la corrupción en comunidad: Aprendizajes desde la aplicación de normas globales en dinámicas gubernamentales

Originalmente publicado en Open Data Charter La pandemia de COVID-19 ha impactado sobre todo tipo de proyecto de desarrollo, cambiando prioridades, convirtiendo lo online en la nueva normalidad y obligándonos a todos a adaptarnos en nuestro trabajo y nuestras vidas. Los procesos y la comunidad de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP) no han…

Announcing our COVID-19, Fiscal Governance & Anti-Corruption Database

After the launch of the Global Integrity COVID-19, Fiscal Governance & Anti-Corruption Database in 2020, we are now happy to make an update to our Global Integrity COVID-19, Fiscal Governance & Anti-Corruption Database that is open to all with +800 resources on COVID-19, fiscal governance, anti-corruption, and vaccine distribution. Since we have recently joined COVID-19…

Côte d’Ivoire and COVID-19: how a political crisis can jeopardize an effective pandemic response

Unlike its neighbors in West Africa, Cote d’Ivoire was remarkably able to completely stave off the 2014 Ebola pandemic through a strong response rooted in factual scientific information and a strong health care system/campaigns/networks. So far, it has done the same to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, but now an unraveling political crisis threatens to completely…

Making records open does not always make them useful

Originally published on GI-ACE  On 12 May 2016, Prime Minister David Cameron hosted a ‘landmark’ international anti-corruption summit in London at which invited countries made pledges about future anti-corruption efforts. Nigeria made many such commitments, including eight on increasing the transparency of beneficial ownership (BO).  Of these, perhaps the most publicised was its commitment to establishing a…