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Building Accountable and Accessible Health Systems for Better Pandemic Response

Building Accountable and Accessible Health Systems for Better Pandemic Response On October 20th, we sat down to talk with three civil society experts involved in the COVID-19 Transparency and Accountability Project (CTAP) about their experiences implementing innovative approaches in to strengthen health systems in African countries: Nancy Saiboh the Program Lead at Actions for Development…

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CTAP vs. COVID-19: Changing Community Mindsets in Innovative Ways

CTAP vs. COVID-19: Changing Community Mindsets in Innovative Ways Fireside Chat Event Recap & Reflection What do social media, soccer, and dance have in common? These collaborative activities have been reimagined as innovative methods of combating misinformation associated with the pandemic. Our COVID-19 Transparency and Accountability Project (CTAP) partners in Kenya, Malawi, and Ghana have…

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Anti-CorruptionBuilding Bridges for Stronger SystemsIntegrity and Anti-CorruptionUncategorized

Building Bridges for Stronger Systems: Charting the Learning Journey

How do we practice adaptive learning and locally led development in our work? The recently concluded Building Bridges for Stronger Systems project (funded by Open Society Foundations – OSF) is an insightful example of putting these Global Integrity values into action. Our partners – Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC), Transparency International Bosnia & Herzegovina (TI-BIH), and…

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A team review into CTAP next steps

A team review into CTAP next steps On August 12, 2022, the CTAP team held a virtual peer learning session to present and discuss emerging lessons and reflections, to conduct an After Action Review of the progress so far, and to co-design the next learning activities.  In the first part of the session, Yeukai Mukorombindo…

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