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Egypt: Positive image, bright future

What’s the image of our country? This was just one among the many questions posed by participants at the “Solution in Institutions: Combating Corruption between the State and the Society” conference, held in Cairo, Egypt on Feb. 27 and organized by Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), working in partnership with the Federation of Economic…

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Putting citizen voices at the center of civic engagement efforts

Last week, South Florida-based public radio WLRN hosted the Help Us Make Tallahassee Accountable At Session 2013 Town Hall, co-sponsored by Global Integrity as part of its outreach efforts based on the results of the State Integrity Investigation. An enthusiastic crowd 600-strong (as you can see in the photo above) packed the Broward Center for…

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Why Non-Profits Don’t Need to Learn to Code

There's a new celebrity video making the rounds that features tech luminaries such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and (wait, you didn't know he was a technologist?) advocating the idea that all kids should learn to code. It's a well-produced video featuring famous luminaries and comes on the heels of an ongoing debate…

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One Step Closer: These are the 10 ideas moving to the final round of the Testing 1 2 3 fund

A few months back, we launched TESTING 1 2 3, an innovation fund that received 311 submissions from applicants who proposed to test ideas all over the world, using varied approaches to innovatively address a mix of government transparency and accountability challenges. Today, we are happy to announce the 10 ideas selected for the Lightning Round, the fund’s final step of…

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What We Can Learn from Design Thinking

The open government community is growing increasingly excited about what “Design Thinking” may bring to their work.  The basic design thinking approach is as follows: initial assumptions inform a prototype.  The prototype is tested in the context envisioned for its use.  Observations of user needs and behaviors are made, and the model is iterated upon…

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